I systems are increasingly deployed in all domains of our lives, providing substantial benefits, but also  entailing significant risks. To counter these problems, ethics has been put forward as a key solution. However, current ethics discourse appears unable to provide a more fundamental critique of the way in which the algorithmized world is impacting human existence, because it starts from within a technological paradigm within a strong narrative of ‘progress' that does not fundamentally question AI’s place in society. If ethics is to provide a more profound critique, it requires a meta-technological perspective. I propose to ground this perspective in the fact that our existence is necessarily relational, and use the lens of intersubjectivity to examine AI’s impact on three interrelated domains of life: our rationality, our alterity, and our way of experiencing time or history. The analysis draws in particular on the work of 20th Century Jewish thinkers, such as Hannah Arendt and Emmanuel Levinas.
